Online competition: 10-30 September 2020
19 augustus 2020 
1 min. read

Online competition: 10-30 September 2020

Teams who already have a ticket for our live event next year, check this out ⏬

  • This competition is intended as a nice preparation for the real competition in May 2021.
  • Time to meet with your favorite buddy, start training together, and get back to your fighting spirit! It’s the perfect way to figure out which aspects need some attention in the upcoming period.
  • When you already have a ticket for next year’s event, you’re automatically registered for this Online competition.
  • Your original ticket, division, and category will be maintained for both Online (sept) & live (May) competition.
  • It is allowed to replace an athlete in case someone is absent. Registration or notification to the organization is not necessary.

Didn’t sign up for our live event, but are you ready for a challenge?

Have you always wanted to participate in a competition, but are most events a bit too ambitious? Then this online competition is the perfect start for you!

We want athletes (without competition experience) to get to know the competition element of our sport. You can see whether you like to compete, what you can improve in your mental toughness, what your level is compared to others, etc.

  • Create a Buddy- or Fantastic 4 Team, and choose your division and category.
  • Registration is possible until 15 September 23.00 hours!
  • Registration fee: €10,57 per athlete, including a September Ondernemen op Sneakers Master Membership worth €44,77 per month. (more info about this new Online platform will follow soon)
  • New athletes will get their Login after your individual registration is complete. You don’t have to mention your team name with your registration, we’ll check your registration with your score submission.

Team up with your favorite buddy and sign up for the Online team competition!

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