Online Competition 2020 - Final Ranking
06 oktober 2020 
0 min. read

Online Competition 2020 - Final Ranking

Congratulations on your performance of the Online competition workouts!

First of all, thank you for being part of this Online competition!

Online competition 10-30 september 2020 - Resultst Fantastic 4 team


Online competition 10-30 september 2020 - Results

Online competition 10-30 september 2020 - Results Female Buddy Team


Online competition 10-30 september 2020 - Results Male Buddy Team

We hope it was a fun experience and that you’ve pushed boundaries with your favorite buddies! We look forward to the live event: 8-9 May 2021.

Download the attachment for the complete score overview:

Stay safe, good luck, and have fun during your training sessions!

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