Njoya League spectator & Fitfair tickets

25-26 November 2022 Jaarbeurs Utrecht

350 athletes will compete in this exclusive & last team-competition


Every athlete deserves a big podium

and we can give you that with this collaboration.

We believe that engaging in sports connects people, and therefore we would like to let people experience this. It's all about good cooperation with lots of FUN, both within the team and with our members and partners.

Because we work with 4 divisions, a promotion structure, and various categories, our events are accessible to everybody: young and experienced, amateur and pro.  

Not only do the "elite athletes" have the opportunity to celebrate their victory during competition but within our community, everybody deserves a podium.


Njoya League spectator & Fitfair tickets

Are you the biggest fan?

As an athlete, it would be fun when fans are there to support their team!
We love to welcome friends, family, and training buddies ðŸŽ‰

Fitfair Jaarbeurs is the event where the fitness fanatic, the fitness professional, and the club/box owner meet to shape the future of our industry. 


  • Younger fans have free entrance until the age of 12 years.
  • As an athlete you will, of course, have access to the event all weekend and you do not need a spectator ticket.
  • Only athletes and spectators of the Njoya League will receive a 50% discount instead of a 25% discount on the Fitfair ticket price.

    Feel free to share this code with your friends and family, but do not share this code on social media.

    Use code: NJOYA50 to get a 50% discount
3D_Fitfair Jaarbeurs Utrecht 25-26 november 2022.png

P3 Jaarbeurs: Van Zijstweg 15, 3521 AB Utrecht - hal 9 Fitfair

Please note:
Athletes and crew members get access to the exhibition/competition floor before Fitfair doors actually open. 

Family, friends, and coaches can enter the venue from 9.30 am

Competition Corner

We've set up a competition corner for all the information you need to know, to support your favorite team to the fullest.

  • Overview teams per division and category
  • Heat schedules & timetable
  • Workouts & movement standards
  • Results will be shared on this page as well