Online competition workout 2

Burn baby, burn 🔥 Smoked shoulders, anyone?

One down, two to go! We hope you’ve had fun during your first online team competition! Each week you will receive on Thursday 11.00 hours the workout for that week. You can go after it as many times as you want, but the final score needs to be submitted before Wednesday 23:00 hours.

Buddy Teams

Buddy Team – Notes:

  • You do this workout as a team, how you divide the work is up to you.
  • Both athletes are working at the same time for the BFSU and Push-Ups + plank hold.
  • One athlete is working at the time with the SH2OH / Clean / G2OH.

Buddy Team – Flow of the workout:

  • The workout starts with both athletes sitting on the floor with a DB or KB in their hands.  When the beep sounds 2 athletes start with the 20 synchronized butterfly sit-ups.
  • Then one athlete gets into a plank. As long as one athlete maintains the plank position, the other athlete may perform push-ups. Only then the push-ups will be counted. Switch if needed.
  • Once you finish the 30 push-ups, only then you may continue with the 40 Shoulder 2 Overhead. So one athlete is working, the other athlete is resting.
  • Continue with the next round, where you adjust the KB/DB movement to the Hang Clean, and the last round you adjust the KB/DB movement to the Ground 2 Overhead.

Fantastic 4 Teams

Fantastic 4 Team – Notes:

  • You do this workout as a team, how you divide the work is up to you.
  • All 4 athletes are working at the same time for the BFSU and Push-Ups + plank hold.
  • Two athletes are working at the time with the SH2OH / Clean / G2OH.

Fantastic 4 – Flow of the workout:

  • The workout starts with all 4 athletes sitting on the floor with a DB or KB in their  hands. When the beep sounds 4 athletes start with the 20 synchronized butterfly sit-ups.
  • Then two athletes get into a plank. As long as two athletes maintain the plank position, the other two athletes may perform their synchronized push-ups. Only then the push-ups will be counted. Switch if needed.
  • Once you finish the 30 push-ups, only then you may continue with the 40 synchronized Shoulder 2 Overhead. So two athletes are working, the other two athletes are resting.
  • Continue with the next round, where you adjust the KB/DB movement to the SYNC Hang Clean, and the last round you adjust the KB/DB movement to the SYNC Ground 2 Overhead.

Weights per division

Workout details:

  • Movement standard (videos), complete description, the flow of the workout, and judge forms will be released in our academy   Make sure you review both video and description so you know exactly what to do.
  • Questions can only be submitted at the  competition corner, underneath the workout topic.
  • You can submit your score until 23 September 23.00 hours in the link we’ll share via email.
  • After each event, a sub ranking will be made and will be published in the competition corner. The final ranking will be published on the website, socials, and the competition corner.

IMPORTANT: Save your paper judge form until the Official ranking is published at the end of the competition. We might ask for it for clarification about the score or tie-break of your workout. After receiving an email ( you’ll have 24 hours to submit your judge form. If it is not delivered in time, you’ll have a zero score for this workout.

Good luck, stay safe, and have fun during your competition!